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Resolution Mediation offers...

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Ut enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud 

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Sunt in culpa qui officia mollit natoque

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Mollit natoque consequat massa quis

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Ut enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit,sed do eiusm por incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis

Some quick FAQs

Parents protect children in divorce when they:
  • Work cooperatively to care for and nurture their children
  • Provide financial, emotional, and physical security for their children
  • Make decisions together and privately—keeping children out of the middle and focused on simply being children
Though judges are charged with protecting the “best interest of the children” in divorce—they often can’t. The very nature of an adversarial process—one that pits parent against parent, often for months or years, puts children in the middle of a storm. If one parent “wins,” that means their other parent loses. And, how to children feel about the person who hurts their parent? 

It’s no wonder that children of divorce suffer more mental and physical illness, more struggles in school, and more broken relationships  than children of intact families. But…..they don’t have to.

At Resolution Mediation we work with parents to craft parenting plans that truly serve the best interests of the children. Plans created by the people whose highest priority is protecting and nurturing the children—their parents.

We help parents work together to create parenting plans tailored to their children’s developmental stage. Plans focused on the family’s priorities and needs. Plans that protect the relationship of each parent with their children. Plans that include the children’s voice—in an informal, protected way. Plans that redefine the family in a way that works.

Through our “Child Inclusive Mediation” process we give children the opportunity to share what they hope for, what they dread, and what they would choose in life moving forward. To do this they meet with our Child Consultant. Marli Emenhiser is a mediator specially trained in understanding the impact of divorce on children and in helping them process through the coming changes. The Child Consultant and mediator assist parents in making the best decisions for their family. Those decisions become part of the Settlement Agreement filed with the court.

All information provided here is for information only and not intended for advice. If you would like specific help regarding your situation, please consult an experienced professional who can speak to your needs. We would be happy to serve you—email or call 317-793-0825.
Child support was established by the State of Indiana as a means to ensure that both parents share in financially supporting their children in a way that is financially feasible to both. To accomplish this, a group of mathematicians created an algorithm that gathers a range of financial information about the parents (i.e. gross income, time each parent will care for the child or children, child support going to prior children, etc.), the number of children, and other factors to establish a basic child support obligation—the amount of weekly support that should go to provide the basic needs of the child or children.

The algorithm then apportions the amount each parent should pay of this basic support amount. This apportionment takes into account time spent caring for the children, amounts being paid for health insurance for the children and for childcare, and provision of controlled expenses. This is considered the default amount each parent should directly provide to the children. If one parent makes significantly more money than the other parent or provides significantly more care than the other parent, there may be a payment from one parent to the other. This is what is called the “child support payment.”

Confusion often arises when one parent pays a child support payment. They may believe that, because they pay money to the other parent—this is all they must pay to support the children. The real amount of support assigned to each parent is actually found on line 6 of the Child Support Worksheet. The amount the calculator assigns as child support obligation is simply the transfer of money from one parent to the other to meet the obligations amounts. This can be confusing.

The essential point is that, though one parent may pay money to the other parent, they will still be obligated to provide the necessary expenses of providing for their children in their home—i.e. food, clothing, shelter, transportation. Some parents believe that, because they are paying child support, they do not have to buy clothing. Or, that the other parent is now responsible for all transportation. This is not the case. The child support payment is designed merely to ensure children experience as closely as possible the same standard of living in both homes. Each parent remains responsible for providing for the needs of the children while in their care.

Do we have to use child support? Guardedly, no. Judges have the obligation to ensure parents provide for children, and the child support guidelines are given deference as the default means for providing that support. Yet, often family’s individual situation means the number coming from the child support calculation doesn’t truly reflect the financial needs of the family. Sometimes the number is far too low. Sometimes the number is far too high. Sometimes the parents want to provide for the family in a different manner.

In mediation, parents have the opportunity to determine how they will best provide for their children’s needs between the two of them. They can use a transition payment, a joint bank account, an apportion of given expenses, or other options the parents may decide. Judges retain discretion on final decisions for support of children, so the mediator must explain how the parents’ plan will meet children’s needs. Yet, judges generally recognize the value of parents working together and honor plans the parents decide will best meet children’s needs.

As you consider how best to provide for your children from two homes, we will be happy to help you find the best options. Please reach out for more information by emailing or call 317-793-0825.

All information provided here is for information only and not intended for advice. If you would like specific help regarding your situation, please consult an experienced professional who can speak to your needs. We would be happy to serve you—email or call 317-793-0825.

The short answer is no—you do not need an attorney to divorce. In fact, in any legal situation, people have the right to represent themselves and proceed without an attorney.

However, legal situations are complex. And, much like any complex endeavor, having professionals who understand the complexity guide and equip you to meet the challenges often proves invaluable.

In divorce, mediators are one of the professionals who provide this expertise to clients.

At Resolution Mediation, our mediators:
Explain all the issues clients will need to address in their divorce. This ensures there are no issues missed that could create problems down the road.
Offer options to clients for how to best resolve these issues.
Explain the pros and cons of each of the options so that clients make informed choices.
Work with the clients to craft an agreement that meets their highest priorities and unique circumstances.

File the agreement and all the supporting documents with the court.
Couples complete the entire process of their divorce without ever having to go to court.

Many clients who choose mediation work solely with the mediator. They find they fully understand the issues and options and can make informed decisions on how to proceed. They appreciate the opportunity to be the decision-makers for their family.

It should be noted, however, that while mediators can fully educate clients—mediators cannot give legal advice. Some clients, while fully understanding the information, still want advice.

Some want this advice throughout the mediation process. Some clients desire advice on a particular issue. Some clients want an attorney to read the agreement before they sign to make sure they fully understand all the legal implications. Sometimes the mediator recognizes a client’s need for advice.

At Resolution Mediation we have an array of attorneys with whom we work who are available to advise clients however they might need—while also fully supporting the mediation process. So whether clients want to proceed with or without attorneys, we can serve you.

All information provided here is for information only and not intended for advice. If you would like specific help regarding your situation, please consult an experienced professional who can speak to your needs. We would be happy to serve you—email or call 317-793-0825.

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Let's begin with a conversation.

People going through divorce often feel like they are stepping off a cliff. They are keenly aware they don’t know what they don’t know. We offer answers in a process that protects people, preserves assets, and provides a way forward. 

Call 317-793-0825 or contact us here.